Self-learning: The new way of Education

Importance of self-learning and how to start teaching yourself

BAG Innovation
4 min readSep 27, 2021

In self-learning, students are responsible for their progress and Education. This autonomous style of learning has been growing in popularity among individuals seeking knowledge. Students learn at their own pace by self-educating using textbooks or online resources. Students are motivated in a self-learning environment because it gives them control over the speed they can study.

Students’ self-learning functions more independently than traditional courses, like a classroom setting with a teacher present. Self-learning provides the student with “the means of becoming self-directed learners and ultimately self-directed people. A drawback is that this type of self-teaching takes much time on the part of the individual to structure his/her timetable. However, self-learning has many benefits:

It allows for the self-directed student to be in charge of their educational progress and is motivated to learn more to gain a better job or career. “I taught myself,” said Author Ryan Holiday about teaching himself Adobe After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator. Self-learning is essential to future generations because self-studying will be an increasingly popular course of study due to technological innovation and its rapid progression on different continents.

Self-learning helps individuals develop time management skills by forcing them to motivate themselves with goals or rewards, therefore increasing work efficiency. The individual also learns how to become self-directed and self-motivated by encouraging themselves to a deadline or accomplishing a particular task.

Self-learning is vital for future technology because of technology’s increasing roles in our society which may lead to more reliance on technology; self-learning provides an alternative style of Education independent of institutions. With its popularity among students and it is used every day in the present, self-learning is sure to become a future trend of educational study. From the article “Self-learning: The New Way of Education,” it is clear that self-learning has many benefits and requires a great deal of time on the part of the individual. However, self-teaching and self-learning will become increasingly popular in the future due to technological innovation and its rapid progression on different continents.

As stated earlier, self-teaching takes much time on the part of the individual. A way to combat this problem, software applications are changing self-learning into self-teaching. These self-teaching programs offer self-directed individuals a curriculum that is customized to their learning needs. An example of this software is Renaissance Learning’s self-directed math series, which teaches students self-guided while monitoring their progress.

Self-teaching improves time management and project planning skills by forcing self-motivated students to plan and prioritize themselves rather than relying on teachers or other institutions for guidance(Renaissance Learning). It also helps them develop organizational skills due to the amount of time self-learning requires; they must organize, reevaluate and reorganize until the task is completed.

How to start your self-learning journey:

Just start teaching yourself using internet as your content provider #self-learning
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

1. Find self-learning courses: self-teaching is not always self-taught! Many online self-learning courses and programs are available, such as Khan Academy, founded by Salman Khan, and offers over 2,700+ free video lessons on subjects like calculus and finance through self-guided, self-paced content.

2. Create self-teaching goals: self-learning should have a purpose so you can see your progress to keep motivated. There are many self-engagement milestones, such as self-engagement in time management, computer skills, or learning other languages.

3. Find study partners: self-learning should not be self-taught alone! Find like-minded friends or family members who are self-learners and can encourage you to keep pushing forward.

4. Give yourself time: self-learning is a lifestyle; it requires motivation and organization. Make sure to give yourself time in your day for studying.

You should give self-learning a try if you have some skills or talents you want to develop. Self-learning can be challenging at first, just like any other new learning process. As time goes on, self-learning will seem more natural, and you will get used to its demands. A very positive point about self-learning is that self-studying is cheap and sometimes free because you can find different free online courses on the internet. Therefore, self-learning may not cost money, but it does require time and effort.

In conclusion, self-learning and self-teaching programs are beneficial to students because they allow them to be in charge of their learning and self-motivation. These self-teaching techniques help future generations develop organizational, time management, self-direction, self-discipline, self-control, and self-esteem skills. Self-learning also provides an alternative style of education than those offered by institutions. Therefore self-learning is important for future technology and society as it will likely become more common. Additionally, future trends indicate that technology will be present in nearly every aspect of society, and its increasing roles in our society will lead to an increasing reliance on self-learning and self-teaching programs.



BAG Innovation

An EdTech startup in Africa aimed to help African students reach their career goals through a gamified EdTech platform.